Monday, February 11, 2008

PyCon: Connecting The Python Community

Registration is now open! Early-bird rates until Feb. 20.
Hotel reservations are open too! (off-site link) Conference rates until Feb. 20.
Financial aid is available! Application deadline is Feb. 11.

Dates to remember:

* Tutorials: Thursday, March 13, 2008
* Conference: Friday, March 14, through Sunday, March 16, 2008
* Sprints: Monday, March 17 through Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Python Software Foundation is proud to present PyCon 2008, the 6th annual Python community conference, this year in Chicago.

Come to PyCon 2008 in Chicago to:

* meet interesting people in the Python community
* learn about cool things others have done recently
* show off the cool things you've done recently
* learn about projects, tools & techniques
* advance open source projects

There's a lot happening at PyCon:


Tutorial Day: Thursday March 13

A chance for in-depth learning from the experts.

Conference Days: Friday March 14 to Sunday March 16.
o Keynote talks from luminaries.
o Scheduled talks on a myriad of subjects.
o Lightning talks: 5-minute impromptu talks, scheduled at the conference (come prepared to talk!).
o Open Space: plenty of rooms available for follow-up discussions after scheduled talks, group discussions of projects, unscheduled talks, demos, brainstorming...
o And the hallway track is always popular!

Development Sprints: Monday March 17 to Thursday March 20.

Up to four days of intensive learning about and development of open-source projects. We provide the space and the infrastructure (network, power, tables & chairs), you provide the enthusiasm and the brainpower. All experience levels welcome. The sprints are free!

Expo Hall: Friday March 14 & Saturday March 15.

Many sponsors and vendors will have booths in an expanded exhibitor area this year. Get a T-shirt, find a job, talk to the companies who participate in the Python community!

But most importantly,


The Community: PyCon is a community conference!

PyCon is organized and run by volunteers from the Python community. Please join us!

The conference venue is the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare hotel. Reservations should be made here (off-site) in order to receive the conference rate.
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# Reminder: Financial Aid Application Deadline is Feb. 11th
2008-02-08 22:24:30
Just a quick reminder -- applications for financial aid for PyCon 2008 are due on Monday, February 11th! Please see the PyCon website for application ...
# Intro to Sprints sessions
2008-02-06 17:02:27
There will be two pre-sprint sessions that will be run on Sunday afternoon, after the end of the conference talks.Intro to Sprinting (60 minutes, at 3...
# Publicizing PyCon
2008-01-29 14:27:53
We need you to let people know about PyCon!PyCon has always relied on the community to get the word out. This year, we've put together a "Publicizing...
# PyCon 2008 Financial Aid Available
2008-01-22 20:07:29
The Python Software Foundation has allocated some funds to help people attend PyCon 2008. If you would like to come to PyCon but can't afford it, the ...
# PyCon 2008 Registration Open!
2008-01-21 01:17:12
I am pleased to announce that PyCon 2008 registration is now open! Early-bird registration is open until February 20, so there's one month to registe...

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